We live and work in a complex, dynamic and highly regulated insurance industry in the UK which is steeped in history, expertise and is admired by other European and International countries.
However, we all dread the time of year when our multiple annual insurance policies come up for renewal. As from our own personal experience, this can be a painful and time consuming task with no guarantees you will get the desired or best outcome.
With so many options to choose from, including catchy marketing campaigns and expensive TV and Media advertising. You can easily get confused, lost and run the risk of not getting the correct level of cover to meet your needs and adequately protect your personal / business assets and risk exposure.
This is where professional expert guidance and support becomes invaluable to protect your interests and ensure in the unfortunate event of an incident, your insurance claim is accepted and settled in full by your insurer. As we have unfortunately seen many occasions when policyholders claims have either been fully repudiated or significantly under-insured, due to incorrect coverage.
There's been lots of recent press coverage around the Ghost Broking, Fraud, increasing repair costs and claims inflation resulting in increased premiums, impacting both the insurance industry and consumers.
All of the above reiterate the importance of having the right support, cover and products in place to sufficiently protect your cherished assets, property and business especially in the event of a claim.
Here at VINTTRO we have specialist Agencies to support all of our client’s insurance needs, requirements and our unrivalled USP where we undoubtedly add value, is our extensive Claims expertise and knowledge offering professional guidance and support when making a claim. Whether that be helping you to get the right and best repairs carried out to your vehicle, or recovering insured and uninsured losses following a non-fault accident.
We appreciate making a claim, choosing the right repairer for your vehicle and recovering losses can be a very stressful and time consuming experience. As a key moment of truth and fulfilment of our customer value proposition, we are always available to support and guide our customers to help achieve the best outcome.
If you would like more information about our insurance solutions and claims management services, please get in touch.